Sunday, December 14, 2014

Winter Wonderland ~ Artful Journeys #3 pre-launch prompt

This week in Artful Journeys our pre-launch prompt is "Winter Wonderland" and this what I came up with.

I used  Metallic Acrylic paint, reindeer's and snowflake stamps and inks, winter trees with gold embossing, Holiday ribbon, homemade stamps, Vintage girl from 2 Curly Headed Monsters (Dear Santa...I Can Explain *SAMPLER* kit) word art "Peace on Earth" from a Happy Mail.

Be sure to check out our blog to see Betty's, Teri's, Melody's and Lynn's Winter wonderland pages.

Well while you are here I will show you my last page in my latest altered novel book. Today I will be working on the front and back cover. 

and guess what I got last night??? My SIL and daughter, Randi got me her....
We are thinking of calling her "Rebel" or "MooMoo". LOL
She is a Cane Carso mixed with Lab. 

Well thanks for stopping by and will see you soon.

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