Saturday, December 28, 2013

A freebie from CBJ and some page's I made last week.

First let me show you a new freebie from Created by Jill
A milestone for her, 3,500 fan's on her facebook!!! Way to go girlie!
Grab it HERE 

Now a little news from me, I am dropping off all my CT's except for Jill's and 2 Curly Headed Monsters a.k.a Christina who is a wonderful new AJ kit designer, Studio Sherwood. Over the holiday I realize I am more into AJ scrapping and hope to get on some CT's for AJ designers. Well with that said let me just show some page's I recently done.

For my dear friend Wanda, her grand-daughter visiting Santa.

My wonderful neighbor Pam and her daughter and grand-daughter at the mall to see Santa

Pam's grandbaby who is very spiled already!!! LOL 

Our cousin Peggy and her grand-daughters on Christmas

Lil' Ms. Peyton is in Florida visiting her grandparents, these photos of her with her Papa at target to get her, her first Nook!

A couple AJ page's I made of the holidays!

My dear friend Erika's neice and nephews on Christmas

  and Erika with her sister's Shelly and Kristen

Our cousin Peggy and her family.

A dear friend, Judy's children visiting Santa

 Layla at her church recital.

My friend Crystal and her hubby, Dennis

Crystal, Dennis and thier boys on Christmas

My great nephew Blake met Santa on his day off, while at Sears.

My cousin Connie's grandbabes on Christmas.

Well that is it for now, hope to see you soon.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Santa is almost here

Yep, the big guy will be here before we know it and where did this year go? LOL
Are you ready for the big day? Larry and I have no plans other then eat a big turkey and watch some football!

I have a few pages to show you!!! Here are a couple more pages for my friend Janine and her daughters cookbook. I am loving how this is coming out. Check out thier first recipe HERE

At the end of next year they will get this printed out. I am so excited!!!!
Find full credit's HERE

My niece MaryLottie and her beautiful daughters.
Find full credit's HERE

I just feel in love with this Christmas Art Journaling kit by Studio Rosey Posey
Find full credit's HERE

Here is a double pager I made for my niece Jessica and her family.

Find full credit's HERE

My cousin Cheri's grand-daughter
Find full credit's HERE

My niece Ashley's son Cameron and his pooch Brutus.
Find full credit's HERE

Well that is it for now, I will have some more soon.
Have a happy holiday and will see you soon.

Friday, December 20, 2013

More Christmas scrapping

Doing a little more Christmas scrapping and wanted to show them off. These are a gift for my sister, Robyn's new cookie craft room designed for her cookie company Cookielicious, I had these printed out 8"x10" and framed for the new room.

Then I made these for her home, I really loved how they came out.

You can find full credit HERE at my Deviant Gallery.

Here are a couple pages for GS challenge's.

Just made this for fun :) Find full credit HERE

Here is a new project Janine and her daughter's are starting for 2014, they are going to have me scrap them a cookbook. I am so excited!!! Here is our first page of some Italian Christmas cookies, don't they look yummy??? 

Find full credit's HERE

Well that is it for now and I am wishing you a wonderful Christmas Holiday if I do not see you before then.
another AJ layout I made, just love how this came out :) 
Not yet posted in a gallery will be back soon to post!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Lot's of Holiday Scrappin'

I've been doing a lot of holiday scrapping, here are a few of the page's I made this week.

The first four I want to share are a gift for my sister and her new craft room. I really love how they came out.
I had them printed and framed for her. You can find full credit's in my Deviant Scrap Gallery.

 Find full credit HERE

 Find full credit HERE

not posted in gallery,

Find full credit HERE

If you are from Detroit you might know who this is, Arthur Penhallow Sr. retired DJ from WRIF radio station in the "D"!!! The Big Daddy!!!
Find full credit HERE

My niece Ashley's pooch, Brutus
Not in a gallery

Not in a gallery, my nephew Cam.

Not in a gallery, my sister Robyn's pooch Ceasar who passed on last year.

Well that is it for now, see you soon.