Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Losing and a winner

Well I lost the second chance layout artist contest at "The Studio" But my girl Jill a.k.a Created by Jill won the Designer contest!!! WOOOHOOO So proud to be on her CT!!! Jill has a lot going on at her blog be sure to check it out. She is in the on her first trip on the DigiScrap Froum Octomber Blog train and at her Digital store they are turning 8 this month and having a huge blow out store sale. Find all information HERE
She also has a wonderful Autumn Bundle on sale right now.

Find it on sale HERE

I was so excited when I got the bundle I made three wonderful layouts.

This page is made with my girl, Janine photo's of her youngest daughter Emilee and hubby on a fall walk in Palmer, Alaska. They just happen to wonder on a moose in the wild, how cool is that?

This page is also for Janines book, these are you three beautiful daughter and one of their friends last year craving out their pumpkins for the season.

And the last page is Janine's youngest daughter Emilee while her and her dad was on their nature walk.
She is such a cutie!!!! I love this one the best, I think I am getting better at my clustering :)

Here is a page I did of Janine snowboarding in Alaska. I used CBJ's last mini kit she entered for the DSS Designer Contest. "Beneath the winter moon" also used a template by Shabby Princess!!!

Oh and remeber the Qps that came with Armina Designs "The Good Time" Bundle well I needed to whip something up for my little cousin, Kayla home coming dance, She really loved them.

Find there HERE

The word is Armina is going to be feature designer at PSP on October 8th, excited to see her newest kit...Coming soon :)

Do you use "Scripts" well you got to check out Cassel she is the best of the best in script writting and she has a new item in her store. Waving Script you can find it HERE

She has a RAK at DST where she will be picking one winner to get it, wish me luck!!! I can't get enough of her awesome scripts. I use my Cluster script all the time and she has a couple freebies to try out, so stop on by her store!!!

Well I will end it here, wishing you a wonderful week. Till we meet again God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the mention of my scripts. I welcome any PSP users to visit my store so they can find tools to help them just like they seem to help you.
