Monday, November 4, 2013

Layouts made with some iDSD goodies I got!!!!

Just showing off some layouts made with some iDSD goodies I got!!!!

Find credit's HERE or feel free to leave a little love.

Find credit's HERE or feel free to leave a little love.
Made Jill a.k.a Created by Jill a double layout of her beautiful daughters.

Seen this poem on facebook and it seem to fit this kit perfectly :)
Find credit's HERE or feel free to leave a little love.

I loved this photo of my dear friend Aline and her boyfriend, Adem
Find credit's HERE or feel free to leave a little love.

Catching up on some Halloween scrapping I had to do for all the little spooks I scrap for.
Little Olivia here as Snow White, she is too cute.
Find credit's HERE or feel free to leave a little love.

Lil' Miss Peyton on her candy mission!!
Find credit's HERE or feel free to leave a little love.

Little Lily all decked out as the Brave girl.
Find credit's HERE or feel free to leave a little love.
 My adorable nephew Cameron and his mom!!
Find credit's HERE or feel free to leave a little love.

I got this kit for my new cousin, Jayden.
Find credit's HERE or feel free to leave a little love.

Well that is it for now, see you soon and many thanks for stopping by.

Start a new Christmas tradition with your kids/grandkids/neice's and nephew's!!!
A Christmas Eve box!!! Place some new pjs, a Christmas movie, hot chocolate, snacks for the movie, etc!!! 

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